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Rims, tyres and complete wheels for Lada
Lada 112

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Buy Lada rims:
so easy at trovacerchi

The traditional Russian brand has only a few, but proven models on the market today: for example, the small cars Granta and Kalina as well as the compact classes Lada Samara and Lada Vesta. trovacerchi offers matching alloy wheels and complete wheels at favourable prices. Select your model, your desired rim and the matching tyre. In this way, you can configure a complete set of wheels for your Lada in minutes, which we will deliver to your desired address free of charge and pre-assembled.

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Currently available
0049 351 / 89 570 300
Monday - Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. 01:00 p.m. - 04:00 p.m.